About Us

History & Purpose:

The Social Action Committee for Racial Justice formed in 2017. We are made up of 200+ members of the Kent County community on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, representing all races, classes and cultures. We began after a series of Undoing Racism© workshops held on the Eastern Shore by the Peoples’ Institute for Survival and Beyond between 2016 and 2017. The People’s Institute continues to guide our work through 8 anti-racism organizing principles that SACRJ aspires to practice. These include analyzing power, developing leadership, maintaining accountability, and sharing culture.

 What are we doing?

We are a community effort to learn, grow, and take action against racism in Kent County. Action is at the core of our commitment to anti-racism. We support groups devoted to conversations about race, but this one is about identifying systemic racism and taking  concrete steps to make changes. The monthly meetings are opportunities to guide the work that we are doing together. The action is at the subcommittee level and everyone is encouraged to join a subcommittee.